Year IV: First Week Down

I really should wait another day to post this, but it technically is my weekend and because I can’t sleep I thought I would start a new posting series! I know I still haven’t finished my Palm Springs one yet, but I will! (I only have Sunday left from that week anyways!)

So week one, syllabus week, move in week, #OTTERDAYS, reunited and I am loving it! I am been in Monerety -and away from home- for a week and a day now. And I love it. For once, school feels like a good kind of stress. For once I truly did enjoy being half frightened while my teachers shared that they had a ZERO tolerance for cell phone use, that I have a 20 page journal due -in my art class- and that 40% of my grade in STATS is based of my mid-term and final. But as each day came and went I had previous students of each class give me some words of wisdom. Basically, you’ll pass. I heard a lot of ‘just respect the teacher and take notes’. Notes… notes are not my friend! I hate having to take my teachers oral notes and then having to apply them to paper. I am Dyslexic, meaning I can’t spell for shit. And now I am taking a PSYC 1 class at my junior college -which you would think would be SUPER basic and easy to follow- but the teach talk a million words a minute and when he does write some down, its more like a squiggle then an actually English word. But I am keeping up, and that’s all that matters!

I am also proud and some what ashamed to admit that I have successfully attended and done all of the homework thus far! So let me run through my classes with you really quickly.

9am-10:15 AM PSYC 1 at MPC
2-3:50 PM Ways of Seeing (a media culture/art seminar class)
6-7:50 PM Applied Stats (related to my major somehow)

10-11:50 AM Grant Writing
4-5:50 PM Life Drawing (already my FAV)

4-5:50 PM Life Drawing
6-9:50 PM Nonprofit & Public Administration (already my least fav!)
Total Units: 21

And I am scared, alone each class is incredibly manageable. I just need to stay on top on the little assignments, that’s always where I loss it. I also slack on the little stuff and scrap by with the big projects and papers, but I don’t think I will be able to succeed in all of my classes with that strategy. I am going to start posting photos of my artwork on here along with my analysis for my Ways of Seeing class. Hope you like it all!

p.s. did I mention, that we will be working with nude model in my Life Drawing class, I finally feel like I am taking a real life college (a.k.a. mature) art course.

photo (10)photo (11)

                                           Before & After

About 5 inches later and I felt like a whole new girl! My hair is super basic now, which does kind of such, but it looks cute straightened and my boyfriend like it so that all that really matters! Over summer I successfully lightened my ends, true they were fried and dead by the time I got into the salon, I still enjoyed my make-shift ombre hair for the short time I had it. If I had all the money in the world you bet yourself a week ago I would have spent 7 hours in the salon chair getting my hair ombred again. Having my hair ombred was literally was probably the best part of my life thus far. I had so much fun, was so confident and just felt so… independent. I was different, it was new, and best of all… it was what I wanted.  I got a lot of refreshingly good attention and it was a great conversation started at parties and in class. But I don’t have the time and I for sure do not have the money to get it done anytime soon.

Anyways, this is the new hair, plain and simple… you could even say boring. And it is not me at all. I am hoping and it grows in maybe I will like it more. I is just so clean cut and simple… I hate that word. I like my life simple, I like my classes simple and I like my drinks simple, my hair? I like it complex, fun, even a little daring. Keep your eyes peeled! Maybe a color highlight will make an appearance in the next couple weeks 🙂